Philly fills viola vacancy… in Boston

Philly fills viola vacancy… in Boston


norman lebrecht

February 23, 2023

The Dover Quartet, based at the Curtis Institute, have named a replacement for their viola, who left last summer.

The newcomer is Julianne Lee, assistant principal second violinist of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.


  • Viola says:

    She is great. Hopefully, she won’t be ousted by the first violinist like the previous violist. She said there was drama. She was fantastic as well.

    • Margret Butler says:

      I’ve also heard of the drama, what a shame that someone can be ousted based only on personal opinions. What a world we’ve truly come to, for drama to be over music. Who is next…

    • Ms. Totally Serious says:

      Yea, totally. And I heard that the first violinist stole the Lindbergh baby and was the reason that God set the 10 plagues onto Egypt.

      Doubt a founding person in a quartet can oust another founder. Of course if you have an interview or reputable source to link to, please enlighten us.

    • Alto says:

      lol sounds like someone doesn’t know how quartets work… but enjoy the gossip train, buddy!

    • Carl says:

      I’ve heard that as well. But she’s fleeing the Boston Symphony, so she knows something about handling drama.

    • Viola says:

      is it true that the first violinist is doing all the thumbs down here?

    • Guest says:

      Ousted by the first violinist? That’s completely wrong! Drama for sure, but that’s not it.

    • Gerry Feinsteen says:

      She’ll be principal of Chicago sooner than later —probably.

      If I want to drink soda I’ll choose Coke over Sam’s Club store brand; likewise for Beethoven, I’ll choose Guarneri over…

    • Don J says:

      Tell me more. What did Joel do exactly to make Milena leave??

  • Bertha Foster says:

    The Dover Quartet is the dictionary definition of mediocre. Once they lost Milena that was the final nail in the coffin. Hopefully the new violist can add some spice.

    • JBVio says:

      Bertha, you need a new dictionary…
      scratch that, the dictionary probably isn’t the problem

    • Joanne says:

      2 Grammy nominations in the last 3 cycles, as voted on by peers in the industry. A quartet constantly in demand, playing as many as 130 concerts a year in certain years. Of which jealous quartet are you a member?

      • Nom says:

        Nominations….no win. The previous violist has a bright future with booked concerts already. bso doesn’t really like the newly appointed so good she’s leaving.

  • Cello says:

    What chamber music group doesn’t come with drama? Unless you want some boring music playing. Seems like someone is salty out there after departing the group, wants to use rumor and speculations to stain the wonderful news about the new member. I’d say let’s focus on the exciting news and new chapter for the Dover Quartet! Congratulations!

  • Don J says:

    Is she actually quitting her tenured position with the BSO to join the quartet?