Opera tonight – Falstaff with Florentines

Opera tonight – Falstaff with Florentines


norman lebrecht

February 10, 2023

Slippedisc, courtesy of  OperaVision, offers you a stream from Maggio Musicale Fiorentino of Verdi’s last opera Falstaff.

On 9 February 1893, the premiere of Falstaff was a tremendous success at Teatro alla Scala. After more than fifty years spent in setting dramas and torments of the human soul to music, Verdi greeted the world of opera with the worldly-wise smile of someone who had experienced everything to the fullest. Falstaff is the work of an amusing and amused Verdi; the score abounds in musical experimentation. As sung in the finale: ‘Tutto nel mondo è burla. L’uom è nato burlone.’ [‘Everything in the world is a jest. Man is born a jester.’] 

Baritone Nicola Alaimo stars as the caddish knight, gleefully tormented by a trio of clever women who deliver his comeuppance. Sir John Eliot Gardiner conducts a fine ensemble cast directed by Sven-Eric Bechtolf. The result is a joyful production, with gorgeous costumes that seem to inspire those wearing them as much as they will delight our viewers.   And so says Sir John (the conductor) ‘You should not miss this opportunity to watch Falstaff, because it’ll enrich your lives, it’ll entertain you, it’ll inspire you, and you’ll have a great time.’

The Plot:  the lecherous Falstaff, with his infamous roving eye, finally meets his match when his underhand plans to solve money troubles have the three merry wives of Windsor conspiring to teach him a lesson.

English, Italian, French, German, Korean, Japanese subtitles.

Streaming available on 10 the February 2023  at 1900 CET/ 1800 London/  1300 NY


  • fierywoman says:

    Wasn’t it around February 1983 that the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino played “Giulini’s” Falstaff?
    As Giulini entered the pit to start the opera, the audience gave him a standing ovation before we, the orchestra, had even played a note. It remains one of my happiest and most satisfying experiences as a player.