Lang Lang: I make Disney sound classical

Lang Lang: I make Disney sound classical


norman lebrecht

February 15, 2023

The lastest brag from the Chinese pianist, whose Disney album now tops the US classical charts.

He’s talking to a CNN reporter, who asks what would Chopin think?

Full interview here.


  • MMcGrath says:

    “Classical-sounding Disney?” That’s what happens when different cultures and their respective connotations, tastes and expectations converge on “music!” Fascinating!

  • Morgan says:

    Ah, the circle of sophistry.

  • Tim says:

    Shocking! I never thought that a Chinese musician would have turned into a sellout considering the fact that classical music has been a deeply treasured cultural asset that their forefathers gave birth to.

  • Edoardo says:

    …and makes Classics sound like Disney…

  • J Barcelo says:

    What’s the problem here? Is this really any different from 19th c pianists playing potboiler arrangements of opera excerpts? What’s wrong with playing music people enjoy, music that was written in their lifetime? Ok, so it’s not Chopin, Schumann or Rachmaninoff. Would YOU sit through a recital of say Ligeti, Ives, or now Cerha? Those Disney composer of mid-20th c American wrote some exquisite songs; just because they are popular and from the movies doesn’t make them bad or low brow.

    • Peter San Diego says:

      I very much WOULD sit through a recital of Ligeti or Ives, and let’s add Messiaen — and gladly. And having paid for the ticket. I would also gladly sit through a recital made up largely of 19th-century opera transcriptions, paraphrases or fantasias.

      I’d rather NOT sit through a recital of Disney tunes, most of them arranged as cocktail-piano music.

      Tastes differ.

  • Robert Holmén says:

    This album will sell be a hit amongst fearful soccer moms who think they can get their kids to stop listening to hip-hop.

    Remember when people were making “Classical” arrangements of Beatles tunes?

    Corniest thing ever.

  • NoFan says:

    Oh Well. Majority of the social media posts are about how beautiful Gina and Cocomi are. So I guess the classic part of the Disney was a bit lost with those audience.

  • Tamino says:

    well, he has a medical condition that stops him from playing at his old virtuosic level, and he makes the best out of it, revenue wise.

  • Mark says:

    “The Disney Album is at the top of the classical charts.” Idiot reporter doesn’t even understand what’s wrong with that sentence.