Dog-shit director is fired again

Dog-shit director is fired again


norman lebrecht

February 24, 2023

The choreographer Marco Goecke who earned world fame by smearing a critic’s face with dog-poo that he kept in his pocket is back in the dog-house once again.

Goecke was fired as head of ballet by Hanover State Opera as is facing possible police prosecution.

Now the National Theater Mannheim has dropped his ballet Young Lovers, saying ‘we have to do without his piece and find peace again.’

Bavarian State Ballet in Munich, however, said it would keep two of his creations in repertoire.


  • Angelo Christos says:

    Does that make it the second or the turd time? It’s all beginning to smell a bit niffy.

  • Kevin says:

    Wait, what? He. Keeps. Dogshit. In. His. Pocket. just for the purpose? That’s what I get for skimming over the small print… The (dare I say it?) high-culture world is already struggling enough for support and customers – why give its nay-sayers more ammo? Sling him already.

  • Samach says:

    Who knew one could literally smear a critic with dog shit with such impunity?

    So far, he has suffered less consequences than if he had simply made a comment that was sexist or racist, or if he had been anonymously accused of sexual harassment decades ago.

    Here, we have actual physical evidence and admission. He basically said “yeah I did it, but she deserved it.”

  • Marco Goecke says:

    This article does not represent the truth and the next person that will be smeared with dog-shit is Norman Lebrecht. I feed my doggies beans for this future occasion.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Isn’t dog excrement good for the skin? It’s a diverse product, not like the expensive, chemical alternatives!!

  • Maria says:

    He needs counselling to sort out the first time, not wait for another.

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Never heard of this turd-thrower but the photo above encapsulates: “I’m not getting my way, someone get me an organic ice tea. …Oh, hi, John. [blink blink]”

  • Harpist says:

    Masterpiece in “How to ruin both your reputation and career in one stupid move”.

  • Doc Martin says:

    Appalling. He could be prosecuted as dog faeces carries a multitude of pathogens and parasites eg Toxocara, very nasty. In the olden days it was collected and used in tanning leather, how times have changed. The leather used in the hammers of old fortepianos for example!

    He also could acquire an infection if he carries it about in his back pocket and does not wash his hands or burns his clothes.