Director, fired in France, sues for defamation

Director, fired in France, sues for defamation


norman lebrecht

February 13, 2023

The Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse has summarily dismissed its ballet director Kader Belarbi for ‘managerial deficiencies’.

Belarbi, 60, promptly announced legal action for ‘slanderous defamation’.

The company says 15 of its 35 dancers had left over the past two years.


  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Doesn’t sound good.

    • Liliana Couto says:

      Kader Belarbi has put this company at the top 10 in France. He Is creative, and has an equilibrium between repertoire and contemporary ways of expression. I beleive that, sometimes, dancers do not want to be asked for more. And a say that as a former dancer, and as a choreographer. I hope the best for him. And to the Toulouse Ballet.

  • PG Vienna says:

    Easier than in Hannover !

  • MWnyc says:


    “On a eu des témoignages de personne qui revendiquaient d’avoir été battus quand on leur enseignait la danse. Ceci est totalement inacceptable, c’est d’un autre temps.”
    — Yves Sapir, délégué CGT du théâtre du Capitole

    “There has been testimony from people who claim to have been beaten during dance instruction. This is totally unacceptable; this is from another era.”
    — Yves Sapir, representative of the General Confederation of Labor to the Théâtre du Capitole