Boston symphony names French conductor

Boston symphony names French conductor


norman lebrecht

February 15, 2023

The successor to Anna Rakitina as Andris Nelsons’ assistant conducor is to be Samy Rachid, former cellist of the Arod Quartet and a conducting student of Matthieu Herzog.

Back home, Samy is also Assistant Conductor at the Opéra national du Rhin.


  • Pierre says:

    As we say in French ‘Bon Sang ne saurait mentir’ – Samy is a wonderful cellist and musician, and no doubt his talent, intelligence and work ethic will lead him to be a great conductor.

  • Jean/Pierre Berwald says:

    Très bien. J’approuve.

  • John Ebert says:

    the FINE ARTS : quite fortunately there is still hope on the horizon !!