Anyone got a tenor? Is the soprano married?

Anyone got a tenor? Is the soprano married?


norman lebrecht

February 24, 2023

Panic this week at Nice Opéra when the tenor singing Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor fell sick on the afternoon of performance.

Nice, unlike Paris or London, is not awash with international tenors.

Ask the soprano, someone said, maybe she knows a local tenor.

it so hapened that the American star Kathryn Lewek, singing the title role, had brought along her husband and two children to Nice.

Husband Zach Borichevsky remembered he had once sung Edgardo – but that was eight years ago.

While he took a quick look at the score, they rammed him into costume and shoved him on stage.

That must have been some Mad Scene.


  • Dominic Stafford says:

    But Nice, being on the Riviera and right by Italy, actually does have access to a great many opera singers…

  • TruthHurts says:

    Of course we all know that European opera houses, after several hundred years of producing opera, have still yet to realize there is such a thing as hiring covers…..mind-boggling stupidity. These stories are not in the least bit interesting. They seem to cater to immature people who think these events are amusing. Depressing and a total waste of our time.

    • Novagerio says:

      TruthHurts (quiet a pompous alias?)

      Some people happen to get a Break-through – even when married to the soprano or vice versa (or even the conductor. Remember Dame Joan Sutherland?)

      Not all houses can afford covers, unless you expected they worked for free.
      Thus, your comment is arrogant, ignorant and immature.

  • Singeril says:

    Zach isn’t just some tenor who sings now and then. He is a well trained (Yale) and successful tenor who has been singing in major houses for some time. It doesn’t surprise me a bit, due to his great talent and intelligence, that he could pull off performing Edgardo after not singing it for so long. I just hope they were able to find a baby sitter.

  • Nik says:

    London may be awash with international tenors but that didn’t really help with the Tannhäuser debacle now did it

  • Medi Gasteiner says:

    Lucia di Lammermoor was great yesterday in Nice, I was there with 19 guests from Germany and Switzerland. Kathryn Lewek was sensationell! And all singers excellent.

  • Dr Huw says:

    Norman – Edgardo is away at that point in the plot and doesn’t feature in the mad scene. I’ll get my anorak 😉