A tearful message from Adam Fischer

A tearful message from Adam Fischer


norman lebrecht

February 14, 2023

The Hungarian conductor seems devastated, almost tearful, in announcing the partial cancellation of his Wagner festival in Budapest:

‘Dear music lovers, unfortunately there is sad news. As you know, MÜPA is state-controlled and financed and we have the order to cancel some events from the program of the Wagner Days 2023.
‘I will be able to conduct the “Ring”, the other events unfortunately have to be cancelled. I am infinitely sorry: for my colleagues, for you, dear loyal audience, and for all those who have been traveling to us for years, especially from overseas.
I would like to appeal to all of you not to lose the courage and hope that things will get better again in 2024.’ 

photo: Wiener Staatsoper


  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    This is sad, but it does demonstrate the risks when you rely on government to finance culture. It needs to be more financially independent to be sustainable.

    • Hugo Preuß says:

      Nope, it does not. It demonstrates the risks when you rely on authoritarian government to finance culture. BTW, the Orban government was best friends with their ideological twin who used to be in the White House.

      • Violilnophile says:

        In America, our alledged democracy is not even that supportive of opera. Outside of a handful of cities, we live in an opera desert. Example: the demise of New York City Opera. You still need a “critical mass” of public support to get funding.

  • Suzie B says:

    Borh Ádám and his brother Iván have been outspoken critics of the Orbán government. I wonder if this has anything to do with these cancellations. Gosh I hope not.

    • Barry Guerrero says:

      Of course it does. That’s what happens when just one person is in charge. Those who think it would be better to just let Mr. Trump be ‘King of the U.S.’ should keep that in mind.

    • Brahms rules says:

      The Hungarian government has been badly cutting financing (not only) from culture since last year, regardless their political views. Need I say what are they doing with the saved money?

  • H Miller says:

    Maestro removed his original Facebook message because he was asked to take it down by “Budapest”. Although the institution’s official site states the cancelation in the “News” section, no explanation offered. It just says scheduled performances of the festival are canceled and ticket can be redeemed with time limit. Its Facebook doesn’t mention at all.

    In the original message I remember Mr. Fischer mentioned the decision was made by ‘above’. It seems ‘above’ is pushing Maestro to mute.

  • E Gordon says:

    Surely if the EU would give to Hungary all the funds long overdue, the Hungarian government would be able to finance the much loved Wagner program. This is a financial Issue not political. Maestro Fischer has been a decades long critic so that is not a new development.
    We love the Maestro and everything he does. We have been there for every performance from the inception. And it is a long way for us…

  • Dr. Ernst & Prof. Elisabeth Anna Waldmann says:

    Es ist SCHRECKLICH. Das ist das großartigste Festival in Europa und Adam Fischer der BESTE Dirigent. Wir wissen es, wir gehen seit über 60 Jahren in vielen Länder in die Oper. —-
    So ist es in manchen Ländern. Einer befieht, und es wird gemacht, auch wenn es schlecht, schädlich und blamabel ist.
    Lieber Adam, wir lieben Sie. Bleiben Sie gesund, wir brauchen Sie und das Festival. In Wien und in Kopenhagen, aber auch anderswo sind Sie ein Superstar, nur zuhause in Ungarn schätzt man sie nicht, aber das hat keine künstlerischen Gründe.
    Und auf Wiedersehen 2024! Dr. Dipl.Ing Ernst & Prof.Mag. Elisabeth Anna Waldmann