The other Nessun dorma

The other Nessun dorma

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

January 12, 2023

By guitarist Jeff beck, whose death is widely mourned today.


  • Alvaro Gallegos says:

    He also did a version of Mahler’s Adagietto. Beautiful.
    RIP Jeff.

  • Dominic Stafford says:

    One of the world’s most wonderful and innovative musicians working in any field. A master, who changed not only how the guitar could sound, but also how it was built. RIP.

  • Plush says:

    This “Nessun Dorma” from Crossroads, June 2010, Toyota Park, Chicago. I was there. Stunned by Jeff Beck’s death. Wind is knocked out of me.

  • Marcy Forbes says:

    Saw Jeff perform in New Zealand some years ago, it was spellbinding. Nobody else could make a guitar sing like he did. RIP Jeff, so sorry you’ve left us.
    ❤️ ❣️ love from Marcy.