The Met’s trombone: I didn’t even know what opera was

The Met’s trombone: I didn’t even know what opera was


norman lebrecht

January 14, 2023

From Denson Paul Pollard’s Podcast with David Krauss:

‘I had no lessons – no trombone lessons – until I was a freshman in college.


‘Opera? Are you kidding? No way.’

Listen here.


  • Barry Guerrero says:

    Now that you figured out what opera is, please let me know. All I know is that it ain’t over until . . . .

  • candid observation says:

    Given the trombone’s literature, and the beer-and-cigars mentality of much of its community, it would seem musical education isn’t a high priority. Hopefully times are changing.

    • Equally candid observation says:

      Brahms liked beer and cigars. Of course, he didn’t study the trombone.

      • candid observation says:

        Yes, but that was the 19th century, and in any case, he kept the macho affectations to a minimum. Somehow, a theme and variations on Blue Bells of Scotland didn’t appeal to him.

        • Equally candid. says:

          Really? You know that for a fact? Is it likely he would have ever heard “The Blue Bells of Scotland”? . . . at least it’s short.

  • Old Man in the Midwest says:

    Trombone in an opera orchestra?

    Aside from the Ring, the audition committee makes sure that the winning candidate can count rests of over 100 measures, play a whole note (finals will include some 8th notes but not until the final round), and sneak backstage to the musicians lounge to get the coffee ready for intermission.