Live afternoon opera – Parsifal in Bergen

Live afternoon opera – Parsifal in Bergen


norman lebrecht

January 21, 2023

OperaVision is live in Bergen for a concert staging of Parsifal, Richard Wagner’s final music drama which is unlike anything that went before or has come since. It can feel more like a ritual ceremony than an opera – grand yet intimate, somehow occupying its own space and time. At the heart of Parsifal is a curious, magical treatment of the symphony orchestra that appears to give the voices above it all the space and autonomy they need. Following award-winning concert performances of Peter Grimes with Stuart Skelton in the title role, the Australian tenor returns to Bergen in the same capacity for this Parsifal under chief conductor Edward Gardner. Joining them is a handpicked cast including Johan Reuter as the wounded Amfortas, Brindley Sherratt as the wise old Gurnemanz and Ricarda Merbeth as the teasing Kundry. Any performance of Parsifal is special. Focusing on Wagner’s miraculous, glowing music alone, this one is sure to prove truly memorable.  Sung in German with subtitles in English.

The Plot:  A young man ignorant of everything, including his own name, arrives at the Kingdom of the Holy Grail. Is he the ‘pure fool, enlightened by compassion’, who, it has been prophesied, will purify the realm?

Available live on 21 January 2024 at 1600 CET /1500 London / 1000 NY


  • Anthony Sayer says:

    That’s quite a cast.

  • MacroV says:

    That’s impressively ambitious. Congrats to Bergen, and thanks for sharing.

  • Barry Guerrero says:

    Who wants Flower Maidens who look like charwomen wearing pastels!?! . . . I’m not sure what’s worse, regietheater, or everyone looking like they just got back from McDonalds. All that said, I have to admit this cast sounds pretty good by today’s standards. E. Gardiner certainly seems to have the work down pat. I’m wondering if Chandos wants to issue a recording of this, just as they did with “Peter Grimes”.

  • TruthHurts says:

    I love this site….. but I have a question: you referred to the Bergen Parsifal cast as ‘handpicked’… Isn’t every cast basically handpicked? What is the precise meaning? Thank you!!

  • MMcGrath says:

    This shows, to me, that the wonderful performances in classical music are often those far away from tired, jaded “world famous” venues or performers.. Bergen beats Bayreuth!

  • Simon Holt says:

    I found this to be almost overwhelmingly moving. Stuart Skelton is extraordinary. Astonishing achievement from all!