Guitar world mourns master luthier
RIPThe Brazilian guitarist and maker Sergio Abreu has died at the age of 74 after a short illness.
He was famed for duo recordings with his brother Eduardo, but even more so for the beautiful instruments he made.
Marcelo Kayath writes: I am very sad to say that my close friend and lifelong mentor Sergio Abreu has left us today. I can’t describe how sad I am – he was a very special human being. One of the brightest minds I ever encountered in my whole life, Sergio would have been successful in anything he focused on. Luckily for us, he chose to be a musician and luthier.
He was an angel sent by God to illuminate our path. He touched and changed the lives of thousands of people that were lucky enough to meet him or to have contact with his music and artistry. His mission here was fulfilled, and we are all his children.