Bolshoi raids Kazakh opera for new productions

Bolshoi raids Kazakh opera for new productions


norman lebrecht

January 10, 2023

Moscow’s Bolshoi Opera, starved of foreign talent, has signed a deal with Astana Opera in Kazakhstan to borrow productions and artists in the course of 2023. .

In return, the Russian Ministry of Culture will stage a ‘Russian Seasons’ project in Kazakhstan.

Borat at the Bolshoi? Very nice.


  • Potpourri says:

    Borat at the Bolshoi. 🙂 Very funny. Hope that doesn’t offend a Culture Minister who thinks it is cultural appropriation and wants it to sanctioned.

    • Sue sonata Form says:

      Borat is about as funny as a bout of Covid. But HE thinks he’s funny and that’s the main thing. Apparently.