Artists panic as US triples visa fees
NewsThis information has been received from GG Arts Law firm:
United Statues Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), by and through the auspices of their reptilian overlords, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has proposed the following:
The standard processing fee for O-1 and O-2 petitions would increase for $460 to $1655 per petition.
The standard processing fee for P petitions would increase from $460 to $1615 per petition.
O-2, P-1, and P-1S petitions would be limited to 25 people per petition.
The Premium Processing Fee would remain at $2500 per petition, but the petition would be processed in 15 business days as opposed to the current policy of 15 calendar days.
So, for example:
If a major orchestra or ensemble with 80 members wanted to tour the U.S., it would need to file 4 petitions at a total cost of $6460 in USCIS filing fees (4 petitions x $1615). If they needed support staff (managers, stage crew, etc.) that would require an additional petition at a cost of an additional $1615. If premium processing were required, that would cost an additional $12,500 (5 petitions x $2500).
If a single artist wanted to enter with an accompanist, band, company members, or crew, that would require O-1 and O-2 petitions at a cost of $3310 (2 petitions x $1655).
And you thought Brexit was the only disaster?