Exclusive: Star pianist plays in sneakers after airline lost his kit

Exclusive: Star pianist plays in sneakers after airline lost his kit


norman lebrecht

December 09, 2022

The Chopin competition winner Seong-Jin Cho arrived for a three-city tour of the United States with nothing to wear for his recitals.

His concert suit was in his suitcase, which Air France appears to have left behind in Paris, somewhere.

Last night Seong-Jin played the first tour date at Cal Performances Berkeley to a sold-out Zellerbach Hall wearing sneakers and an oversized dress shirt he borrowed from the concert promoter.

He’ll wear the same outfit tonight in Orange County and Boston on Sunday.

He’s hoping Air France will pull their fingers out in time to have his dress suit meet him in Taipei for an Asian tour starting next week.

Here’s the view from an audience member:


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A post shared by Elaine Chang (@echangpiano)


  • Petros Linardos says:

    How was the music?

  • Althea T-H says:

    Leaving aside the fact that he played very well, presumably he could still buy some new concert gear for the next two dates: or order something smart on Amazon, to arrive at his next hotel?

    If a problem arises, it’s always good to sort it out quickly, wherever possible…

  • Terence says:

    It’s the music that matters.

    He and Yuma et al. can wear whatever they like.

    Wish I’d been there.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    The show must go on, as they say.

  • esfir ross says:

    Great creative program but not satisfying interpretation. Not full blooded emotions, some anemic dynamic. Great technic.
    It was not his composers to shine.

  • kpluvmusic says:

    I was there at Soka Performing Arts Center and he was in his suit tonight LOL. A stunning performer!

  • Peter Geall says:

    I saw Vengerov live last Saturday and he looked as if he’d just come in from doing some DIY in the garage! Brilliant playing though!

  • Peter says:

    This almost like Monty Python. Brilliant pianist gives comment, and you report on their shoes.

    This should be accompanied by a fashion show, with reporting on which models can ride a bicycle. An art exhibition, with comments on the painters’ height and favourite TV show. Architecture exhibition, pointing out blood group, and what they had for breakfast.

    Music competition, and focus on what gender and race they are. Oh, hang on, we do that all the time.

  • Ira says:

    I wish him the best of luck with Air France, they once made me wait FIVE days in Lebanon before they found my luggage and I didn’t but new clothes as they said each day “It’s at the airport, go claim it… it wasn’t!”