British composer wins 20k Hindemith Prize

British composer wins 20k Hindemith Prize


norman lebrecht

December 09, 2022

The 2023 Hindy prize, worth 20,000 Euros, goes to Alex Paxton. He’ll pick it up next summer at the Schleswig-Holstein Festival.

Paxton, 32, is an improvising trombonist, published by Ricordi.

In the words of the Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik: ‘Paxton is a system-crasher of genre, who merges jamming video game soundtracks, musical overtures, virtuoso chamber music and jazz improv into an unmistakable style…highly complex, sophisticated and extremely entertaining, virtuoso ad absurdum.’

photo: Alex Paxton website


  • IP says:

    What a pity that the picture is cropped — impossible to see whether his skirt is as short as Yuja’s.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m sorry you all had to see that picture.

  • frank says:

    They should sue their surgeon.

  • Cynical Bystander says:

    Watch your pronouns. “He’ll”? Tut tut!

  • I beg your pardon says:

    Its mum called – she wants her dress back from it.

    (I respectfully believe ‘it’ is the correct pronoun here)

  • Secret fan says:

    Congratulations, Alex! Very proud of you.

  • Guest says:

    Congratulations on the prize, well deserved! Haters gonna hate while Alex writes great music.

  • Rob Keeley says:

    To thinks that once Ricordi published Verdi and Puccini…..

  • Paulie says:

    Well done to Alex Paxton. The music is very cool! I am baffled at the weird comments on here though. An innocuous announcement of a prize awarded eliciting this anti trans vitriol seems peculiar. And some vicious personal attacks. What’s up with this site? Who moderates it? Are we all ok with (completely unwarranted!) hateful comments like this here?

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    God help us all.

  • Joe says:

    No more showbiz please

  • Rob says:

    His Trapeze is very funny

  • HH says:

    I happen to know him. He’s not trans. Women are allowed to wear trousers, so I’m not quite sure why men shouldn’t be allowed to wear dresses if they want to.

    • I beg your pardon says:

      True. I am not going to say his dress makes him ugly, because it’s actually not caused by the dress.