Berlin Philharmonic concertmaster: I’m inspired by klezmer

Berlin Philharmonic concertmaster: I’m inspired by klezmer


norman lebrecht

December 11, 2022

Zsolt Bognar’s latest interviewee on Living the Classical Life is Noah Bendix-Balgley, first concertmaster of the Berliner Philharmoniker.

Originally from North Carolina, Noah was concertmaster of the Pittsburgh Symphony for three years before winning the Berlin audition.

He cites the clarinetist Franklin Cohen of the Cleveland Orchestra as a primary influence and talks about Jewish folk music as one of his leading creative sources and inspirations.

In the heart of Berlin.


  • Zweito says:

    Noah Bendix-Balgley play klezmer tunes@Carnegie Hall recently

  • MacroV says:

    He’s playing a Klezmer concerto of his own creation with the Baltimore SO in March.