Anti-racism award for Igor Levit

Anti-racism award for Igor Levit


norman lebrecht

December 12, 2022

The Russian-born German pianist Igor Levit has received the 10,000 Euro Carl von Ossietzky Prize for Contemporary History and Politics by the town of Oldenburg.

The prize commemorates an anti-Nazi journalist who won the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize for exposing the German rearmament race. Von Ossietzky died in 1938, aged 48, of longterm effects arising from his mistreatment in a concentration camp.

Levit was honoured ‘for his work against racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and the brutalization of the language’.




  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Very ironical that woke activists claim to work against ”brutalization of the language”.

  • Tamino says:

    That must be a joke. Twittering is „work against racism…“? LOL.
    There are so many people and NGOs doing the hard work, walking the walk, and our classical narcissistic crybaby gets the price. What is wrong with people in Oldenburg?

  • Rob Keeley says:

    Feel that virtue-signalling.

  • Mock Mahler says:

    Since I know what a sh*tstorm of comments is coming, let me just say, ‘well done, Igor.”

  • Serge says:

    Ossietzkys footsteps have become VERY small, one must say.

  • Margaret Koscielny says:

    What nasty comments from readers of this blog!

    • Rob Keeley says:

      Because some of us can see right through the leftist politicisation of musical life and are heartily sick of it?

      Not everyone sees the world through your easily-offended, woke world view. He should stick to playing the piano, which he does very well.