Anthony McGill podcast: Kids can see someone who looks like them on stage

Anthony McGill podcast: Kids can see someone who looks like them on stage


norman lebrecht

December 24, 2022

In the second of our seasonal podcasts from Met principal trumpet David Krauss, he interviews Anthony McGill, the first African-American principal player in the New York Philharmonic.

He looks to Michael Jordan as a role model.

Listen to the podcast here.

This is the presidential event they are discussing.



  • Old Man in the Midwest says:

    Glad to see him on a Buffet clarinet.

    He should have gotten the CSO job but Muti would never hire someone that plays on a Buffet for whatever reason. Muti is kind of dumb that way.

    But it all works out. Anthony is in the NYC show and can hold his own with anybody that comes to town.

    A great artist.