Rudolf Serkin rarity from 1936

Rudolf Serkin rarity from 1936


norman lebrecht

November 19, 2022

Another brilliant retrieval by Mikhail Khaykov, a broadcast concert from October 19, 1936 at Queen’s Hall, London, with Julius Harrison and the London Philharmonic Orchestra.





  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Absolutely wonderful!! And what a stunning photo of Serkin.

  • Jeffrey Biegel says:

    Thank for sharing this, Norman. It’s amazing how these remnants of history exist and are discovered many years later.

    • Nelson says:

      Agreed, but read my comment below. Kaykov didn’t discover this recording, and in fact, is pirating it… it’s too bad that neither Kaykov or Lebrecht give credit to those who actually did the hard work to bring this to us.

  • E.R. says:

    The title photo is amazing…as is
    the music. Thanks.

  • Petros Linardos says:

    Thank you for posting. A wondeful performance from a tragic period.

  • Mr. Ron says:

    Serkin was simply amazing. His son too.

  • trumpetherald says:

    He is wonderful.The orchestra is drreadful(wind intonation!!!!!)

  • Dan says:

    I used to see him walking his poodles around Rittenhouse Square. And sometimes Ormandy coming out of the Barclay Hotel.

  • Dan says:

    Captivating performance!

  • David K. Nelson says:

    My father heard Serkin play at about this same time and said he was mesmerizing to watch because he was so hyper-kinetic and energized on the piano bench, of course becoming considerably calmer in later years. You can see quite a bit of Peter Serkin in that youthful photo.

  • Nelson says:

    Norman, you should do a bit of research on these supposed “discoveries” by rip off artist Kaykov. This was actually discovered and carefully prepared for release by Mark Obert-Thorn for Pristine Classical. THEY should be credited and supported, not Mr. Kaykov, who has once again pilfered, without any credit, someone else’s hard work. That he does this apparently can’t be helped, but you shouldn’t be so naive as to believe him. Please change your article to reflect this. Kaykov should remove his video.

  • Andrew Rose says:

    We released this recording at Pristine Classical in 2018 in a transfer by Mark Obert-Thorn (with notes by Tully Potter):