Vienna hall retains Gergiev

Vienna hall retains Gergiev


norman lebrecht

October 13, 2022

We understand that the Vienna Konerthaus continues to post Putin’s conductor Valery Gergiev as an Ehrenmitglied, an honorary member.

He features alongside Teodor Currentzis on the masthead.

Shame to see such a fine concert hall aligning itself with war crimes.


  • TimmyVc says:

    What war crimes has Gergiev committed?

    • john humphreys says:

      Has he expressed any regret (if nothing else) at his chum’s (Putin) war crimes? Of course not.

      • I beg your pardon says:

        Music is music, politics is politics. End of story, goodbye, the end.

        • Achim Mentzel says:

          Actually, that’s exactly how it is. But in a world where we are told that men can menstruate then probably not.

          • I beg your pardon says:

            Oh yes…and how many genders exist again? Around 10?

          • Achim Mentzel says:

            Around 70. My favorite is “novigender”. It refers to a person’s gender identity that is difficult to describe so that it fits a particular gender. It may also define a gender experience or the lack thereof that is too difficult to process or understand.

          • I beg your pardon says:

            Oh Lordy…is the UK government gonna spend a billion pounds to create new toilets just for them in every building?

            And what pronoun would they demand? I was hoping ‘it’ will suffice.

          • Achim Mentzel says:

            “It” might be too discriminatory. Moreover, I believe that the discussion will not end with the installation of a third toilet. These people will not stop until everything is equalized.

          • I beg your pardon says:

            Ah but if everything is equalised, we end up getting…North Korea.

            Which incidentally is also the last thing they want.

          • Sue Sonata Form says:

            And ‘chest’ feed. Don’t forget ‘chest-feeding’. Isn’t that something from ‘Pirates of the Caribbean”?

            What infantile morons dream up this stuff?

        • Muichoi says:

          Absolute drivel. If music making has no moral component it loses all meaning.

          • I beg your pardon says:

            Ah sure thing Muichoi! I’m sure all of Richard Strauss, Wagner and Britten (to give 3 examples) have absolutely no meaning in them whatsoever.

            The only drivel I see is in your pathetic statement.

          • Savonarola says:

            With this logic we can stop listening to ALL renaissance music, and all baroque music. The 30 years war was definitely not free of ‘war crimes’. Apparently, Johann Sebastian Bach certainly supported war crimes. Mozart too. ‘Music making’ whatever that means may have or may not have a ‘moral dimension’ but moral dimensions are frequently subjected to historical revisionism. Both of us may be may be dead by the time the Ukraine conflict comes to be reassessed, but unless none of us are here, reassessed it surely will be, whether you or I like it or not. Leave music and musicians alone, this kind of zealotry doesn’t make you look good it makes you look thoughtless

  • Alan says:

    Again battering Currentzis.

    There is NO comparison between the two. Your conduct in this matter is absolutely disgraceful. Shame on you.

  • Molto Andante says:

    Well, what about Ehrenmitglieder like Richard Strauss, Hans Pfitzner, Wilhelm Furtwängler or Karl Böhm. They certainly have to be scraped off the wall, too?

  • Wiener says:

    Ehrenmitglied in Wien ist Jedermann

  • TNVol says:

    None of his naysayers here have the stones to do what they condemn him for not doing. NONE OF YOU. I’m not an apologist for Putin. I’ve spent a ton of time in the old Soviet Union, as well as modern Russia and Ukraine as part of cultural exchanges. And THE PEOPLE are beautiful souls in both countries. Music should hold us together.