Ruth Leon recommends…  Textplay – Stoppard and Beckett…or not

Ruth Leon recommends… Textplay – Stoppard and Beckett…or not

Ruth Leon recommends

norman lebrecht

October 14, 2022

Textplay – Stoppard and Beckett…or not

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On Demand from today until Dec 3 but you must watch it on the day of purchase. $20

This is a bit of what Americans call ‘Inside Baseball’, meaning that nobody will understand it except for aficionados. This is the theatrical version, a text exchange which purports to be between Tom Stoppard and Samuel Beckett,  written by a playwright with the unlikely name of Archer Eland.

That’s probably an anagram for something I’m not clever enough (or motivated enough) to work out but it’s a bit of fun which requires a lively interest in both playwrights and a wider interest in theatrical puzzles.

Rendered entirely in text messages, TextPlay is full of references to the playwrights’ work and backgrounds so if you’re a lover of either or both, you might enjoy pitting your wits against those of Archer Eland, whoever he or she is.

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