Philadelphia recruits 3rd horn

Philadelphia recruits 3rd horn


norman lebrecht

October 25, 2022

Chelsea McFarland has joined the Philadephia Orchestra as third horn.

Se moves up from the Atlanta Symphony, where she has played for the past four years.


  • Barry Guerrero says:

    Atlanta Symphony is very, very good, so I’m sure she’s more than capable. I can see from the photo that she most likely plays on a Geyer wrap type of horn (in other words, a Geyer or a copy of a Geyer).

  • Kyle Wiedmeyer says:

    What’s the point of this post? By virtue of the fact that it’s Philadelphia, or any of the other Big Fives, etc., it ‘s warranted?

  • Axl says:

    Congrats to her and Philadelphia! She will be an excellent high horn pair for Jennifer Montone and Jeffrey Lang.
    And actually she is a second catch from Atlanta Symphony – their former 2nd horn Ernesto Tovar Torres also comes few years ago from Atlanta to Philadelphia to succedeeding low horn legend Denise Tryon as 4th horn. So obviously Atlanta rules!

  • Guest says:

    Brass players don’t last long in Atlanta. They go on to the bigs, often as principals; NY, Dallas, LA, Saint Louis, and that is just the trumpets! Certainly hiring the right people.

    • Music lover says:

      Perhaps Atlanta’s committee could do Pittsburgh’s hiring. An abysmal tradition of trumpet playing if ever there was one.

  • David McKellar says:

    How can anyone so beautiful also be a great horn player? Honestly, some people just have all the luck!

  • J. Houck says:

    You know, it’s not “recruiting” if you win a huge audition. How insulting to her for such an incredible accomplishement.