Philadelphia Orchestra plays ball
NewsDo the Philadelphia Phillies play viola?
What’s Yannick’s average?
Just askin’.
Do the Philadelphia Phillies play viola?
What’s Yannick’s average?
Just askin’.
There’s no reason to read anything political into…
The former Philly Pops, presently the No Name…
The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1968…
The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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Perhaps someone should remind Maestro Yannick that the Phillies finished 14 games out of first place. It’s only because of the moronic “wild card” system that they’re playing.
As the great Sandy Koufax once said: “Baseball didn’t change, the money did.”
Spoken like a cranky old Dodger (or perhaps Yankee) fan. The disparity in revenues for the major league teams is so grotesque that if they were to dispense with playoffs, the same three or four mega market teams would dominate the sport every year.
The pre-playoffs brand of baseball we saw in the 1950s is inevitably recalled with insufferable sepia-tinted nostalgia, but there were New York teams, usually from both leagues, in the World Series every single year until 1959, by which time the Dodgers had moved to LA. What people choose not to recall is that attendance in the 1950s was mediocre, even in Brooklyn (typically about 14,000 per game in that decade). And if you were rooting for a team in the hinterlands, the season was over by Mother’s Day most years.
I for one was ecstatic to see the Yankees and Dodgers mowed down last week by less talented but pluckier teams.
I will be seeing them tonight at Carnegie Hall. I doubt they will play this as an encore…..
Indeed, they did not. The concert was delicious, however.
Don’t be a sourpuss just because y’all don’t have baseball teams in Europe.
Yes, we do, called ’rounders’ and appropriately played by children …
Nor do they have real football. They just kick a round ball around for 90 minutes.
I bet in reality that Yannick wouldn’t know
a baseball from a basketball !
And why is that, do you think?
The Phillies get a mention in Dave Frishberg’s wonderful 1971 song “The Sports Page”, whose relevance in our era of fake news is greater than ever before. RIP, gentle Dave.
I’ve always loved Dave Frishberg.
Thanks for the mention and the link, Antwerp Smerle.
My ears are bleeding.
And Yannick jammin`. What was seen, cannot be unseen.
So, he’s the director of the Philadelphia Orchestra, which plays in and is mostly funded by Philadelphians. Their baseball team is also in the World Series. Why the negativism?
I like it. It surely is understandable.
And I’m sure that the Phillies management and players reciprocate and have season tickets to the PO.
This adulation of all things sports has to stop. Yes it has it’s place but NOT in the concert hall.
I much prefer the Old Order:
> Overture
> Concerto
> Symphony
Give me the Old Days.
Old man indeed. It is a wonderful thing to be in a city brought together by a team vying in the World Series. I first experienced it as a 12-year-old in Detroit. A perfect age, by the way. Old enough to start appreciating the extraordinary nuances baseball at its best has to offer, but not yet at the age where hormonal turmoil is obliterating all other interests.
On two occasions I have collaborated with my colleagues in the Chicago Symphony viola section to play my arrangement of the Star Spangled Banner before Chicago White Sox games. It was a glorious experience to be on the field.
Then you would know the last two words of the Star Spangled Banner are “Play ball.”