Currentzis cancels Tristan for lack of willing soloists

Currentzis cancels Tristan for lack of willing soloists


norman lebrecht

October 11, 2022

We reported that three singers refused to take part in his Moscow concert production.

So he has now scrapped a German tour to Dortmund and Baden-Baden, where the Gazprom conductor will present Verdi’s Requiem instead.


  • sonicsinfonia says:

    He has scrapped? Dortmund cancelled it last week.

    • Achim Mentzel says:

      Nothing is scrapped. The program has been changed. No more and no less. What some paranoid, so-called journalists spin out of it does not correspond to reality.

  • Herbert Friedrichs says:

    What you are doing here and in previous comments on the Currentzis subject, Mr Lebrecht, is not sincere journalism, but yellow journalism and fake news (for what reasons ever). I recommend a close look at the latest issue of the VAN magazine, to learn what proper research and journalistic work look like.

  • RW2013 says:

    der Lack ist ab.

  • Alan says:

    The Gazprom conductor.

    This blog is worse than the Sun at this stage.

    Be grateful you live in a country where your public statements don’t end in persecution, or worse.

  • Gustav Anias Horn says:

    If the author of this so called “journalismus” had any ethics or only a fraction of the quality he demands of all others, he would retract his blatant lies. Dortmund did not cancel anything. This is fake news. Dortmund changed the program. Currentzis is still conducting.
    Why the destructiveness? If you don’t care for an artist, why must you destroy him? Unless of course he is a threat to your own sense of self worth. Anyone reading this blog can see that the author makes himself very petty and small and puts himself in the cliche of the envious pithy nerd who cannot himself be creative, much less be a part of the world of the sublime and beautiful. One should pity this author. He must be very unhappy.

  • IP says:

    Why not try partial mobilization?

  • Peter says:

    Norman, the postings on your blog seem to flip between i) worthwhile musical discussions, ii) selected wokism, iii) selected anti-wokism, iv) personal attacks, and v) salacious gossip.
    If only you could stick the i) and cut the rest, it would so much improved.
    When you want to be, you are a thought provoking writer. But you often let other side take over.

  • MMcGrath says:

    Pfffffft. The sound of the air seeping out of the Gas(z)prom orchestra. Eto horoscho!