Boston orchestra official is jailed for child porn

Boston orchestra official is jailed for child porn


norman lebrecht

September 23, 2022

A former artistic adviser to the Boston Philharmonic and its associated Youth Orchestra, has been jailed for five years for possession of child pornography.

David St. George, who pleaded guilty earlier this year, was found to have kept ‘a search of his residence revealed thousands of files of child pornography, including the depiction of sexual assaults of children ages 6-8.’

Court report here.

pictured: Boston courthouse


  • Henry williams says:

    How is it management knew nothing about this employee.

  • Tim says:


    Well, these few cases surrounding Benjamin Zander are indeed odd; but it looks like BZ is innocent and had a tendency to attract these types to work for him because of his ability to inspire people in a borderline sexualized way that approaches the boundaries of what is acceptable, without actually crossing those boundaries.
    But as a very wise person once told me

    “charisma, is creepy”.

    • Biktor says:

      BZ isn’t even on the map. Self-elected expert.

      • Amos says:

        I’m not sure if this is the same person but a few years ago I recall reporting of a scandal in which BZ knowingly hired or kept on a video coordinator/photographer who was a registered sex offender and was permitted to work with the BP Youth Orchestra. At the time he was interviewed about the incident, admitted it was accurate and concocted an explanation that the person was reformed and/or deserving of another chance. At the time it threatened his position but he is still firmly in charge.

      • Couperin says:

        Yeah he always rubbed me the wrong way.

  • EK says:

    I think the issue with BZ is he seems to be around or attract these types. It would be very troubling to me, if I was a parent of children that are around him. He may not be the culprit, just like the Catholic Church did not abuse children themselves, they ignored—but he keeps this company and that is very troubling.

  • Jake Thonis says:

    I was in the NEC youth orchestra Zander conducted in 2012. NEC fired Zander that year for hiring none other than *David St. George* as a videographer for the orchestra. The YOUTH orchestra. Zander admitting to knowing St. George’s predilections when hiring him, saying he had turned over a new leaf. Looks like he was wrong.