Label news: DG signs Menuhin winner

Label news: DG signs Menuhin winner


norman lebrecht

September 30, 2022

The Spanish violinist Maria Duenas, winner of the last Yehudi Menuhin Competition, will make her DG debut with a Vienna recording of the Beethoven concerto.

She has written her own cadenzas.

No pressure, then.


  • MMcGrath says:

    Be still my heart! Oh, are you sure? A European winner! How novel. How diverse.

    Wishing her the very best!!

  • Ich bin Ereignis says:

    Judging from her several videos on youtube, I believe she might be one of the great names of the 21st century and actually be able to revive what we might call the era of “legendary” violinists — of the type of player whose musicianship and artistry immediately stands out, provides a true inspiration and leaves a lasting mark. I hadn’t heard this kind of playing for a very long time, except for very few exceptions. I hope the musical community gives her the worldwide recognition she deserves.

  • LCAS says:

    Yet ANOTHER recording of the Beethoven concerto? I know she has her own cadenzas, but come on now. Her Facebook page reveals a connection with the late Spanish composer Jordi Cervello who apparently wrote her a concerto. And she’s currently touring the Gabriela Ortiz concerto with Dudamel. Now wouldn’t that make an interesting pairing for a DG debut recording?

  • Greg Bottini says:

    I’m very much looking forward to hearing Ms. Duenas’ recording, although it’s absolutely true that a more interesting choice of repertoire would have been preferable.