Simone Young: ‘Blown away by Sydney sound’

Simone Young: ‘Blown away by Sydney sound’


norman lebrecht

August 24, 2022

The Sydney Symphony’s new music director is impressed by the hall’s newly installed acoustic ‘petals’. She tells the Morning Herald:

‘We were trying out various constellations and positioning of the orchestra under various heights of those wonderful petals, which we can move up and down to optimise the space for a particular work or size of orchestra. And we were just blown away by the clarity and the beauty of the sound. It’s just marvellous.

‘I would play a passage through with the orchestra and then my assistant would continue to conduct it a few times while we tried different constellations and arrangements and slowly came to a set of what are, for us now, the sort of default settings that we will start in, but it’s not the work of a week, it’s the work of quite a few months.

‘I hope there will be a continuation of what we have been establishing in these first few weeks: a deeper study of some of the great classics, a broadening of that repertoire to works less often heard here in Sydney, and also a commitment to the development of new work.’




  • Barry Guerrero says:

    In my opinion, it couldn’t have been a luckier break for a truly talented and deserving conductor. We already know that orchestra is very good as well.

  • GH Gebhard says:

    Not sure how the music director judges sound, but what I’ve heard confirms my suspicions that the hanging petals aren’t much more effective than the hanging surfboards were in the original New York Philharmonic Hall in 1962. Hardly surprising too since sound waves shoot right past petals or surfboards.