Most boring ever conductor interview

Most boring ever conductor interview


norman lebrecht

August 13, 2022

The Financial Times has a backpage interview with Susanna Mälkki in which she says precisely nothing. Colourless does not begin to describe it.


Who was or still is your mentor?
When I was younger, I didn’t have anyone like that. I wish I had. The mentor-like relationships and trust emerged later in life. I have wonderful colleagues. And friendships that have become almost like philosophical partnerships. And there are people I look up to. All of those are my mentor pools, and I’m very grateful.

How fit are you?
Relatively fit, I guess, compared with people of my age, but I would love to be very sportif, and I’m not.

Tell me about an animal you have loved.
There were allergies in my family, so I haven’t known an animal well. I’m already loving the little doggie I am going to get one day, when my lifestyle permits….

Read on here.



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