Herbert Blomstedt stays out after fall

Herbert Blomstedt stays out after fall


norman lebrecht

August 13, 2022

The 95 year-old conductor is recovering very slowly from a fall in June.

He has withdrawn from a September Europe tour with the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra.

His replacement is the Finn, Jukka-Pekka Saraste.


  • Matt says:

    He’s 95

  • Sal Schlamberger says:

    95 and 35 days young as of August 14, 2022.

    Stay away from the nefarious medical people!

  • MMcGrath says:

    Very sad; at his age a fall is a major event. Let’s hope he overcomes it and gets to conduct again. It must be hugely frustrating for him. Courage and bonne chance, grand maitre.

  • ML says:

    Get well soon, dear Maestro Blomstedt! He was wonderful in a concert he gave with the Philharmonia Orchestra and Maria Joao Pires in May this year. Magnificent and inspirational. Wishing him (95 years old, not 91) a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.

  • Jan Kaznowski says:

    HB has the same birthday as SD owner – maybe he takes a couple of years off his own age 🙂

  • Greg says:

    I played in Blomstedt’s conducting seminar orchestra in California in the late 70s. What a fabulous conductor, musician, and person. As a player, you knew exactly what he wanted from you, and made it so easy to do it. I’m sorry to hear he’s had a fall and difficult recovery.

  • Epidermis says:

    Maestro Bloomstedt whipped the San Francisco Orchestra into world class performers and made Bruckner my favorite composer. Well played!