Germany promotes a Jewish orchestra

Germany promotes a Jewish orchestra


norman lebrecht

August 10, 2022

Culture minister Claudia Roth has named 16 orchestras that will receive an extra 400,000 Euros in special funding as part of the ‘Exzellente Orchesterlandschaft Deutschland’ initiative launched by her predecessor, Monika Grütters.

The full list reads:

Concerto Köln
Dresdner Philharmonie
Ensemble Resonanz
Freiburger Barockorchester
Jewish Chamber Orchestra
la festa musicale
Mahler Chamber Orchester
Orchester des Nationaltheaters Mannheim
lautten compagney Berlin
Philharmonisches Orchester Altenburg Gera
Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen
Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg
Saarländisches Staatsorchester
Stegreif Orchester
Stuttgarter Kammerorchester
Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen

The criteria for selection are not published. Regional balance and political correctness centainly play a part.


  • N/A says:

    What makes you think political correctness plays a part here?

    • Herms says:

      Or regional balance. Two in Freiburg, which like Stuttgart, Mannheim and Reutlingen is in Baden-Württemberg…

    • Viennois says:

      Nothing. All of them are legitemate orchestras. Lebrecht seems to lazy to research that. Europe still funds its arts, unlike overseas, where they have to beg for money from the rich who get toilets and anterooms named after them in return.

  • Hercule says:

    “Promotes a Jewish Orchestra” – and your point is?

  • Dietmar says:

    How wonderful that there is a government that supports the arts so generously. Americans could only dream of something like this! Norman Leberecht, get a life! What is your headline supposed to mean?

  • MMcGrath says:

    What good news. A focus on and subsidy for good orchestral groups other than the Usual Great Names, which is the primary driver of the list I presume. Does the UK Arts Council do this, too?

    Are Jewish orchestras promoted or encouraged in other countries, too, or just Germany? Israel, of course. But Austria, Italy, USA, South Africa?

    In this age of meshugenah diversity, is it even OK to have a “Jewish” orchestra?

    • Helene Kamioner says:

      hitler’s nazi germany, the most messugah age did not prevent Jewish orchestra’s in concentratioin camps…i.e Theresienstadt and Jewish music performances in the Ghetto’s i.e. Warsaw