Domingo’s last refuge? He’s in Verona

Domingo’s last refuge? He’s in Verona


norman lebrecht

August 25, 2022

With Ildar Abdrazakov and other dubious Russians.


  • guest says:

    Nothing strange about this. Domingo from 2019 on practically lived in russia: roles at Bolshoi, galas at the Kremlin Palace & Red Square and what not… in 2021 he had his special birthday gala at the Kremlin with wishes from putin.
    And Arena di Verona festival since 2018 is run by Fratelli d’Italia, a neo-fascist party that supports Putin. Gasdia ran for election in 2017 on behalf of the party – she lost election but became “la sovrintendente” as a reward.
    So, italian facists + russian facists + Placido, a pathetic case. One big family!

  • Alviano says:

    He is best ignored.

  • kaf says:

    Placido must set every 75 year old woman’s heart aflutter whenever he’s in town.

    The frisson of the possibiilty of arranging a secret tryst over the telephone by evading his agents at his hotel…

    I swear that must be 99% of the base of his fandome.

  • Paolo says:

    He is in Verona because of the powerful agency ARIOSI MANAGEMENT. Domingo, Siri and Sartori have the same agency, the most powerful in Italy.

    • Novagerio says:

      Paolo: Actually it’s Ariosi who has Plácido as agent

    • Don Camillo says:

      are you sure only in Italy?

    • Diane Fanizza says:

      Placido has been one of the top five greatest Stars at the Verona Arena for over fifty years ! I doubt if he needs an agent , powerful or otherwise ,to book him there ! He is not a member of the clergy or a head of state. He is a performer. If you disapprove of his personal behaviour , don’t buy a ticket for his performance ! Basta !!

      • JJ says:

        I very much disagree with your views, Diane. For starters, these are not ‘his’ performances. Yours is the mentality of the fan who can’t see beyond what’s ailing them. These are _opera_ performances requiring an entire _cast_ , and as such the result of collective effort, not one-man shows.

        He has no right to spoil opera performances with what’s left of his voice, and he was even 20 years ago past beaux restes stage. He has no right to waste taxpayer money (opera performances are state subsidized in Europe) on his indecent fees, though the irresponsible who hire him are more accountable for this particular waste than he. If he wants money and a stage for his attention-seeking act, he should give recital concerts, those aren’t subsidized, though the venues probably are. In recitals he can do what he wants, music lovers can avoid him, and his nostalgic fans who don’t care what he ‘sings’ and in what key, and don’t know the difference between Ay, ay, ay and Plus blanche, and both from Nemico della patria, can pretend everything is as it should be.

        I agree with you in only one respect. Yes, basta!! We have put up for 25 years _in regular opera performances_ with someone who can’t sing neither tenor nor baritone, and I am being kind, it’s actually a good 30 years. That basta!! is long overdue.

        PS. If you doubt he needs an agent you are totally at sea how the business works. Everyone needs an agent. If you believe that clergy or head of states are ‘booked’ anywhere, particularly in the Arena di Verona, you might want to consider medical help.

  • Bozidar Sicel says:

    While you are barking, Domingo is singing. BRAVO, BRAVO for maestro Domingo!!!!!

  • Gustavo says:

    His Walter-Matthau-like face signals that he doesn’t give a damn about the rumours surrounding his misbehaviour.

    • ThrownOutOfTheKremlinForSinging says:

      Don’t you dare say anything against Walter Matthau! One of the best actors of his time. THE TAKING OF PELHAM ONE, TWO, THREE and THE SURVIVORS, just by themselves, would earn him a place among the Immortals.

  • hervé says:

    Verona is definitively not a “refuge”.

  • ThrownOutOfTheKremlinForSinging says:

    As I recall, Rigoletto planned to flee with Gilda to Verona after disposing of the body of the Duke of Mantua. It didn’t work out that way, but that was his plan.

  • Tamino says:

    Just leave him alone. The man is really not having an easy time, not being able to retire gracefully, having been forced to fork over literally many millions of his money, which should have been for his retirement, to the cult of Scientology, for his sons and related family.
    Would you NOT take money from Moscow, for singing (kind of), if your life depended on it?

    Maybe it would be more constructive to have a discussion about the cult of Scientology and its evil ways?
    Or would that be too dangerous for your freedom and human rights defending blog?

    • anonymous says:

      This is the first I am hearing of Domingo’s connection to Scientology. Can you please elaborate? I don’t believe there was any connection talked about when he was at the Met.

    • JJ says:

      Apparently I was wrong when I thought you a member of the Inner Circle. You must be PD’s Lord High Treasurer himself if you know the state of his financial affairs and on what he spends his money. Well, I guess when everything else fails, a little sympathy milking by whatever means is worth a try?

      I don’t mind his milking the Moscow cow but I very much mind his milking European taxpayer cows with the help of his strategically placed buddies. European taxpayers aren’t responsible for his or his family’s Scientology troubles (if he had any at all), not are they beholden to compensate him for the financial loss.

    • Nick says:

      It became too late to retire gracefully twenty years ago

  • Anna Marks says:

    I think it’s time to retire. He has sung, recorded, won, directed whatever there was to be accomplished in his field. A bit of humility would do!