New boss for Gateshead

New boss for Gateshead


norman lebrecht

July 26, 2022

The Sage Gateshead and Royal Northern Sinfonia have plucked James Thomas from Manchester Camerata to run the orchestra and the centre’s classical programming.

A former bassoonist, he started out as General Manager of Sinfonia Cymru.

James Thomas replaces Thorben Dittes, who now has the tougher task of managing London’s Philharmonia orchestra.


  • For crying out loud says:

    Hope he doesn’t become complicit towards the war by programming Russian music.

    Every time a Russian symphony gets played, a bomb goes off in Ukraine.

    So says those who obsessively declare music IS politics.

    • Emil says:

      Literally no one is saying that, but it does say a lot you have to make up villains at whom you can get angry.