France’s best orchestra has new principal trombone

France’s best orchestra has new principal trombone


norman lebrecht

July 06, 2022

The national orchestra of the Capitole in Toulouse has chosen Louise Ognois as its new solo trombone.

Louise, 24, is an enthusiastic brass band player who has deputised in a number of leading orchestras.

Toulouse likes to think it has France’s best-kept musical secret (and it may well have landed another one).


  • Giora says:

    Well, not sure this title is exact…

  • Concertgebouw79 says:

    When we are talking about the best french orchestras don’t forget the excellent quality of the Opéra de Paris when they are going on classical and that happen frequently. It’s the same thing we have in Italy with la Scala. I hope that Dudamel will make some Berlioz and Ravel records he already played them in concerts very well. DG has to do something with him

  • Pedro says:

    France’s best orchestra is at the Oaris Opéra.

  • William Osborne says:

    Last May, Louise also won the principal position with the Marseille Opera. In 2011, the French national paper Le Figaro placed Toulouse among the top three orchestras in France along with the Orchestre de Paris, and the orchestra of the Opera National de Paris. She is now very much at the top.

    • Concertgebouw79 says:

      Important to don’t forget the great things Chung did with Radio France when he was there.

  • Laszlo says:

    Not very smart designing the Best Orchestra of a country. Self made trap.

  • Alastair Orr says:

    Congratulations to Louise on her appointment, and best wishes as she begins her work as Principal Trombone. I have enjoyed many recordings by this orchestra, particularly under the direction of Tugan Sokiev.

  • music lover says:

    it is a good orchestra.But France´s best? That title goes to the Orchestre De Paris.

  • Brian says:

    And why exactly is this noteworthy?

  • Patrick B says:

    Who decided that Toulouse is the best french orchestra?

  • simon says:

    Over many years, I have listened in person and via recordings and radio to many French orchestras. Yes, the Orchestre de Paris and the orchestras of Opera de Paris (at Garnier and Bastille) are strong and at their best, very impressive. Toulouse, however, has long impressed. The Opera there has staged some interesting and challenging repertoire – Enescu’s Oedipe sticks in the memory – to challenge the very best internationally, let alone nationally. The Orchestre Nationale de Toulouse has a long and glorious history. Their recordings for EMI under Plasson (a genial, expert yet under-rated conductor) and several others are almost without exception worth hearing.

  • Barry Guerrero says:

    Someday I’ll have to Toulouse la trek make, to hear Dutilleux and visit the Airbus factory.

  • Axl says:

    Congrats to her! Wishing all the best and many succesful years! There was quite recently time/period that it wasn’t easy to find good (and permanent) principal trombone in world class orchestra (e.g. Vienna Phil, La Phil and Munich Phil) but glad that new great trombone generation is coming! Recently Berlin Phil posted information of upcoming principal trombone audition so now looking that how fast and easily they will pick new suitable player

  • JB says:

    French orchestras are underrated, and imho one of the main reasons is that France had no major record label, unlike Germany (DG), the UK (EMI, Decca) or the USA (CBS, RCA).