Georgia hires Italian maestro

Georgia hires Italian maestro


norman lebrecht

June 07, 2022

The Italian conductor Giacomo Sagripanti has been appointed music director of Tblisi Opera and the Orchestra.

He is presently principal guest in Bari.


  • Giancarlo says:


    The rumour in Paris is that he got to conduct in important oper theaters because an important female singer recommended him after they were very friendly. And lately both of them always seems to be in the same city and theater and visit each other performances as if big coicidence. A friend saw them in London and before that in Vienne.

    IMO he is another de Billy who can keep it good together but with less repertoire and less class. I see he never run an orchestra and choir before and probably will be lost what to do when the Georgians show their tough old ways.

    They will probably eat him for nice Georgian breakfast and then he will say he had to resign because no time to proper do his job.

  • Player says:

    Saw and heard him rehearse the Royal Opera orchestra the other day, before the run of Don Pasquale. Not bad.

  • Floria Tosca says:

    I have also heard of these rumors that Giancarlo says, many in the business knows, although it is really surprising that the “famous singer” is promoting it so openly when he is married and should have more discretion, but that also says a lot about the people who put their professional success above all.

    In my opinion, if you take away his physical appearance there would be no other reason why Sagripanti would do this career and it is clear that he knows how to take advantage of that.

    What I don’t understand is how he can think of going to Georgia as an upgrade, for someone who conducts in major theaters. A position like this is normally something you do when you are young, which is not more the case for him, so it all sounds a bit downgraded for his career.

    • The view from Paris says:

      Talking about physical looks and making careers through lady friends.

      I think Sagripianti’s career started to take notice in Paris Opera were he worked with the famous singer that is now helping him but also where Philippe Jordan was the boss. He worked a lot in Paris due to Jordan and now he seems to work a lot in vienna opera now that Jordan is there. Maybe he likes to be friendly with both sides of the sexual spectrum. You need talent for that too.

      I don’t think that will save him in Georgia but who knows.