Five new players on Vienna Philharmonic tour

Five new players on Vienna Philharmonic tour


norman lebrecht

June 13, 2022

Five new musicians in the State Opera orchestra have joined the Vienna Philharmonic on Europe tour with Andris Nelsons.

That puts them in line to be candidate members of the Vienna Phil.

The players are: Hannah Cho (violin), Paul Blüml (oboe), Christoph Hammer (viola), Valerie Schatz (double bass), and Lucas Stratmann (violin) Photo: (c) Filip Waldmann


  • Axl says:

    Congrats to they all! Martin Gabriel retired last year from 1st oboe post so I’m quite sure that Mr. Blüml won his chair. And in viola section there is open principal position and one guy in tutti players group are in retirement age so let’s see which one Mr. Hammer won.