Sex-pest conductor calls it quits

Sex-pest conductor calls it quits


norman lebrecht

June 07, 2022

The Dutch conductor Pieter Jan Leusink has resigned from The Bach Choir & Orchestra of the Netherlands, following a tribunal report that he promised women roles in exchange for sex.

Leusink said he was resigning after threats to himself and his associates.

His Classical Concerts Foundation said: ‘The basic principle is that the style, energy and pleasant atmosphere that make this company unique will be preserved.’


  • CSOA Insider says:

    Serial molesters come in all shapes, sizes, ages, flavors, attitudes, methods, degrees of toxicity. Many are in positions of great authority, and abuse the power of their authority to obtain sex. Some offenders are protected by their organizations, where leaders in positions of fiduciary responsibility are perfectly aware of the sex molesters’ abuse of power, yet take no action to end it.

    • Gerald says:

      The head football team doctors at Michigan State University and the University of Michigan got away with their sexual predations for decades shielded by University coaches and administrators. Such is the power of the college football god in the U.S. (So long as you have a winning team, of course.)

  • Anne On says:

    He was a total clown. A knowledgeable one most likely.. but a total clown regardless.