Another British baton beats in Germany
NewsBrexit or no Brexit, Uk conductors seem to be doing quite well over there.
The latest to catch the German ear is Harry Ogg, in his twenties.
Deutsche Oper am Rhein have appointed him Kapellmeister.
Brexit or no Brexit, Uk conductors seem to be doing quite well over there.
The latest to catch the German ear is Harry Ogg, in his twenties.
Deutsche Oper am Rhein have appointed him Kapellmeister.
There’s no reason to read anything political into…
The former Philly Pops, presently the No Name…
The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1968…
The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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But, but… how can this possibly be? We were assured that such a thing would be impossible because of Brexit.
You do realise there is a difference between fixed and freelance contracts, right?
The UK and UK artists need desperately the EU. They need the EU much more than EU artists need the UK. I hope we see every day less and less UK conductors and mid and mid-high level orchestras. It is virtually impossible to find these days EU conductors on mid-level conductors in the UK yet we continue giving UK artists the opportunity to make the living they cannot make in the island…
The UK voted not to be part of the club. Let’s let them cook it themselves and eat it alone. They don’t need us, so be it.
And there you have it! EU clarinettist wants jobs for his boys… No desire to see Europe as a civilisation, as culture, just labour rules and unionisation. What about quality?
Lol, but still ghastly.
Better. Off .Out!
I was invited by a well-known British conservatoire to visit the school to discuss a possible visiting-teaching position and to give some 1-to-1 lessons to some students. I noticed the following things:
1. When entering the country a high level of suspicion and a level of animosity by the immigration officers I’ve never experienced before.
2. When comparing with my previous visits 8 and 13 years ago to the same school, the average level of the students is lower. UK is no longer being that attractive for EU students to study (now EU students pay higher fees, and have to apply for visas).
3. UK students are now more interested in performing pieces by UK composers, just because their british. Some teachers are pushing obscure pieces by relatively unknown pieces of the student repertoire. That is OK when students also know the masterpieces of the standard. But without mastering concerti Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Bruch, Brahms, and Beethoven, it is for me a bad sign.
4. The comment of a teacher I overheard saying that why was a foreigner invited to teach in the UK.
After dozens of visits to the UK (on tour with orchestras, on holidays, to teach…) I felt for the first time unwelcome in the UK. Lets hope that no UK national feels like that in any EU country.
Yes, the Brexit I think was a big mistake by the British, but your comment is out of place, don’t
you think?