Call to ban Trifonov in Kansas City

Call to ban Trifonov in Kansas City


norman lebrecht

April 14, 2022

The Kansas City Star has published a McCarthyist article calling for Daniil Trifonov to be banned from the city unless he issues a stronger denunciation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The paper writes:

Some patrons of the Harriman-Jewell Series say they’re concerned at Trifonov’s perceived reluctance to criticize Russian behavior in Ukraine. Apart from a generic statement claiming “every war is a tragedy,” the artist hasn’t issued a firm declaration opposing Russian atrocities. The fact that he lives in the United States makes his reluctance to denounce war crimes even less understandable.

The otherworldly Trifonov has issued one statement at the outbreak of war, and nothing since:


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The local promoter has responded to the newspaper with strong support for the artist.



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