Greens overturn German opera house

Greens overturn German opera house


norman lebrecht

March 25, 2022

The arts minister of Baden-Württemberg, Theresia Bauer, a member of the Green Party, has decided that Karlsruhe opera should no longer be run by a general director.

Instead, she has installed a revolutionary committee of three – an artistic director, a managing director and a third person ‘who is responsible for the entire theatre’.

Sounds like a recipe for interminable meetings.


  • Sanity says:

    The particular circumstances in Karlsruhe make this a reasonable development. It will take some years to get past the toxic atmosphere created by Spuhler and Fichtenholz and their abuses of power. The process will be quicker with three people overseeing the process.

  • Novagerio says:

    Does Frau Bauer know that the one who is responsible for the entire theatre usually is the general director?

    • Bulgakov says:

      She’s probably thinking of something like Chief Operating Officer, I imagine, but doesn’t know it.

  • IP says:

    On a more serious note, the German minister for culture is also a green woman, and her name is Claudia.

  • Meal says:

    Divide et impera! It is easier for her to intervene when there are three people “responsible”.

  • We frequently hear calls from Americans for the government to more thoroughly sponsor the arts, “as is standard in Europe”.