A Russian conductor condemns the ‘criminal’ war

A Russian conductor condemns the ‘criminal’ war


norman lebrecht

March 02, 2022

Message from Daniel Raiskin,
Chief Conductor of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
Music Director of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
Principal Guest Conductor of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra

I, Daniel Raiskin, Russian musician,
Wholeheartedly and vehemently condemn the criminal actions of the Russian Government, which is waging a fratricidal war against Ukraine!
I firmly believe that it is the duty of every artist to speak the truth, expressing himself through the art he makes. But today this alone is not enough!
Each rocket, each shell, each shot was made for one reason only: to kill … to kill a person, a people, an infrastructure, a country. Murder is a crime and will be punished. In the country of Dostoevsky, this should be well remembered.
War kills, there is no excuse for war. The war must be stopped immediately!

Я, Даниил Райскин, российский музыкант,
Всецело и решительно осуждаю преступные действия Правительства России, ведущего братоубийственную войну против Украины!
Я глубоко убеждён в том что обязанность каждого художника, состоит в том, чтобы говорить правду, выражая себя через искусство, которым он занимается. Но сегодня только этого не достаточно!
Каждая ракета, каждый снаряд, каждый выстрел сделаны только ради одного: убить… Убить человека, народ, инфраструктуру, страну. Убийство является преступлением и оно будет наказанно. В стране Достоевского это должны хорошо помнить.
Война убивает, войне нет оправдания. Война должна быть немедленно прекращена!


  • christopher storey says:

    Bravo ! Bravissimo!

  • Karl says:

    “War kills, there is no excuse for war.” Now that’s a well thought out position. I wonder if the US should give California back to Mexico.

    • guest says:

      And I wonder why some posters try to deflect our attention from the fact that we’re talking about the Ukraine war here, a war Putin has started _a few days ago_. Uncomfortable truth? Putin paying you well? If you agree that there’s no excuse for war…

      • Karl says:

        Just putting things in perspective. Polk wanted California so he took it. That seems to to have been enough of an excuse – manifest destiny.

        • guest says:

          Nice try but the subject is still Putin and the invasion of the Ukraine. The reply after mine deals with your pet grievance.

    • Hugo Preuß says:

      Yes, absolutely. And Russia should give back Königsberg to Germany. And Italy should give back South Tirol to Austria.

      There was a time when war was a legitimate part of politics and of international law. But we live in 2022, when acts of aggression in order to enlarge your country is no longer legitimate. Comparing (and equating!) the blatant attack on Ukraine with California is ludicrous.

      • Karl says:

        “There was a time when war was a legitimate part of politics and of international law” When? Why? I assert that it was never legitimate. What happens is that if you can hold the territory for 100 years then people just put up with it.

        I also find it hypocritical that everyone seems to care so much about Ukraine now. If people really cared they would have been clamoring to allow it into NATO so it would be safe from Russian aggression.

  • The View from America says:


  • Roland says:

    Bravo, Daniel Raiskin!!

    • Jonathan Sutherland says:

      I agree with Roland.
      Maestro Raiskin is setting an admirable example to all Russian musicians and artists.
      How many more will have the courage and integrity to follow his example?
      It is imperative to understand that the world’s censure of events in Ukraine is not directly against Russian people or Russian artists.
      The animosity is directed solely against a murderous, inestimably corrupt, seemingly psychopathic tyrant who is personally responsible for causing the devastation now occurring in Ukraine.
      I am curious to read his justification when his missiles or troops start destroying the Russian orthodox churches in Kiev.
      So much for venerating the cradle of Kievan Rus civilization and religion.
      In Putin’s quest for historical importance he can look forward to sharing a plinth with Stalin.

  • msc says:

    Simply for reference, in the 2016 census, 14000 Manitobans identified Ukrainian as their mother tongue, the largest from Europe after German. The province is about 1,200,000.