US violinist on the rise

US violinist on the rise


norman lebrecht

February 22, 2022

AskonasHolt today signed Aubree Oliverson for general management.

She’s a Colburn grad who has already booked with half a dozen US orchestras next season.




  • Fenway says:

    I look forward to following her as she blossoms.

    I will be traveling to Detroit on April 22 to hear the US premier of the Hillborg Cello Concerto. Beautiful work.

    Sorry Boston cancelled janacek Glagolitic mass for covid reasons. All those dangerous organisms that would be launched into the air…
    So silly and such a pity.

  • Larry W says:

    Another talented Robert Lipsett student from the Heifetz studio.

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    The best ones get those opportunities without winning a major competition.

    She’s probably very good. Her bio doesn’t mention a single competition.

    “Rise to the top by the heat of demand, not by way of false idols.”

    • Phillip says:

      She is very good, hard working and genuine.

    • Joe R. says:

      She has won many competitions–national, state, and international. You obviously didn’t read her bio–it states clearly in the first paragraph several prestigious awards. But, thank goodness she focuses on artistry and is in demand because of how good she is in front of audiences. She is incredible!

  • Phillip Sear says:

    Watch this video: and you can see why she would have been likely to have been selected, as, apart from playing well, she has the skill to make a really attractive arrangement.

  • Old Man in the Midwest says:

    We need attractive, talented young performers who can communicate to the younger generations. I wish her luck and a successful career.

  • Phillip says:

    She’s such a generous person. I’ve had the pleasure of performing a few times with her (as an orchestra member, she as soloist). She has a great career ahead.