Just in: Barenboim is out for several weeks after operation

Just in: Barenboim is out for several weeks after operation


norman lebrecht

February 06, 2022

La Scala has announced that Daniel Barenboim ‘is forced to suspend his activity in the coming weeks to undergo surgery.’

Tuesday’s recital has been cancelled.

There has been no statement from Barenboim’s management, or from the Berlin Staatsoper.

We wish him a speedy recovery.


  • Refuah Shelaima Danny boy

  • Jan Kaznowski says:

    Maybe it’s related to the eye surgery he had the other year ?

  • Piano Lover says:

    Probably linked to his back problems that he has had before the FAMOUS NEW-YEAR concert.

    • Jobim75 says:

      I understand now why he looked so annoyed and bored and that it looks like he didn’t enjoy on january 1st. Karajan in 87 had back problems too but he looked like a kid on a Christmas day. How are we going to survive without a Barenboim concert? 6 month out, that’s 180 cpncerts cancelled (the Schumann symphonies I was supposed to attend to were among them)……..
      Despite my mixed feelings about the artist, I wish him a complete recovery of course.

      • Piano Lover says:

        Now with 180 concerts to be cancelled,he must feel bad.
        Will he ever be back on stage again???
        Wait and see but I doubt it!

  • Karl says:

    DB has not been well for several months.

  • E says:

    Recover with speed, Maestro.
    Very dismayed to learn of this…but let me thank you for the tutorials on youtube, which are such a joy to follow. And thank you as well for all the concerts.

  • christopher storey says:

    All good wishes for a speedy and full recovery

  • Dafna Markovich says:

    דניאל היקר, מאחלת לך רפואה שלמה ומהירה, ועד שתחזור לשמח את כולנו בצלילים המופלאים שבוקעים תחת שרביטך ומבין אצבעותיך, ממליצה לך לתרגל טרילים עם השלט של הנטפליקס. עושה פלאים לזריזות האצבעות
    שולחת חיבוק חם ומלא עידוד מישראל

  • fflambeau says:

    One of our greatest living conductors. Get well soon!


    Did we ever find out why he was conducting with one hand for the last part of Verdi’s Four Sacred Pieces live on the Berlin Phil Digital Concert Hall? He seemed to be either clutching his side or holding his trousers up.

  • John Yeh says:

    Wardrobe malfunction shortly before the end of the performance. Daniel was holding his trousers up.