A Putin pianist plays at St Pancras

A Putin pianist plays at St Pancras


norman lebrecht

February 23, 2022

This is Valentina Lisitsa, a vocal, frontline enthusiast for Russia’s aggression in parts of Ukraine.

Yesterday, at Eurostar.


  • Fact check says:

    Posted to Facebook yesterday, but that video is from 2013.

  • Serge says:

    I congratulate Miss Lisitsa for choosing music by a composer who was forced to leave Russia into exile and whose home and belongings were confiscated by the Russian authorities.

    I assume that with this gesture Miss Lisistsa is echoing her support for all individuals who are persecuted by the Russian state.

    • Ruben says:

      Nope, unfortunately ever since 2014 Lisitsa is echoing Putin propaganda on her Twitter.
      She’s shielded her tweets since last night though, so now only people who already follow her can see those tweets.

      • Carsten Gerhard says:

        Hello Ruben, is there a possibility to share some recent posts of her? I have just begun to follow her on twitter.

  • Gustavo says:

    The piano needs tuning.

    So do the media.

  • And I always thought Lisitsa was a Ukrainian pianist.

    What proof is there of her being “a vocal, frontline enthusiast for Russia’s ‘aggression’ in parts of Ukraine?”

  • Christian Kliber says:


  • Tamino says:

    Leave her alone. She is a Russian from Donbass. She does nothing different than an Israeli confessing to be a Zionist. Stop the double standards, hypocrites.

    • James says:

      Dragging Israel into every single conflict, even those that have absolutely nothing to do with it (which is almost all of them) betrays a certain level of obsession. Besides which, Zionism – the belief of centuries of murderous persecution that Jews have the right to return to their homeland and live their in safety, and as part of the world’s only Jewish country (yet with rights for all its citizens, Jewish or not) – is something to be proud of, not something one has to ‘confess’ to. It is not remotely comparable to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and, again, has nothing to do with it.

      • Billy says:

        If that was the working definition of Zionism, there would be a free Palestine. Zionism works as an excuse for imperialism and apartheid on the ground, where Palestinian life is very similar to Jewish life in Germany during the years leading to the Holocaust. Plenty of actions and words coming from the Israeli military are indistinguishable, sometimes identical, to naziism.

  • Corno di Caccia says:

    Judging by this weird heading, does it make anyone who votes Tory and plays the piano a Johnson pianist? Or a Labour voter a Starmer pianist?, etc. etc….

  • margaret koscielny says:

    She has been a headliner at the Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival, Fernandina, Fla, for several years. I wonder how her support will go over with that crod.

  • Manuel says:

    It says she is from Kiev half-Russian half-Ukrainian. There are no photos of her with Putin so assuming she is Putin pianist just for having different political views is at the very least a wishful thinking.

  • Barry Guerrero says:

    What will her stance be once Putin rolls beyond those “parts”?

  • Jack says:

    I enjoyed how Norman linked to one of his other screeds on Lisitsa to support his own position. Amusing and childish.

  • Tatar Queen says:

    ALL of Putin’s perfidious vassals should be banned from performing publicly in Western Democratic countries (Valery Gergiev, Anna Netrebko, Tugan Sokhiev, and the like) after today’s inhumane, illegal attack contrary to international law. Valentina Lisitsa should be ashamed to be a “vocal frontline enthusiast” of an autocratic liar and murderer, especially since she herself was born in Kiev, Ukraine.

  • Lyndsey says:

    There are two sides to every story. If you take the time to better understand the underpinnings of this conflict, you’ll not make snap judgements about Ms. Lisitsa or Putin. Who’s really at fault for this conflict? Answer that for yourself after you’ve researched it more deeply. The answer is complex, nuanced and messy, and no one, not even the Ukrainian people, is served by pointing fingers before knowing all the facts.

    • Paul Lanfear says:

      You’re correct of course about different perspectives. But it doesn’t change the fact that Putin is a war criminal. An atrocity is an atrocity, whether committed by Russia, US, Saudi Arabia, Israel or any one else, regardless of whether they are “democratic” or “despotic”.That’s why we have international law.