String quartet hires its sixth first violin

String quartet hires its sixth first violin


norman lebrecht

January 11, 2022

We raised a quizzical eyebrow a while back when the Vega Quartet, resident at Emory University in Atlanta, hired its fifth first violin in a couple of decades.

She has now left and the Vegas have a sixth first in Dr Emily Daggett Smith.




  • Frank says:

    These days, those that can move on, do; those that can’t, don’t and keep playing. Makes one long for the days past of commitment and consistency.

  • A Blinkin says:

    Is Dr Smith accepting new patients?

  • NYMike says:

    E.D.-Smith is a fine violinist. We heard her play a concerto while still a Juilliard student. Her doctorate is in performance.

  • Monty Earleman says:

    A String Quartet is like a marriage between 4 people with none of the benefits. It’s amazing ANY of them last very long!

  • msc says:

    To paraphrase Oscar Wilde: to lose two first violinists is a misfortune, to lose five begins to look like carelessness.

  • margaret koscielny says:

    Elizabeth Fayette is a very fine violinist. She has all the qualities one would expect in a soloist of the first order, while being an excellent First Violinist for the Quartet. She will do something wonderful, I’m sure, in the future.

    • NYMike says:

      Currently, she is one of the revolving chamber musicians who play with the excellent Manhattan Chamber Players. She is indeed a fine player.