Jonas Kaufmann eats noodles before a debut

Jonas Kaufmann eats noodles before a debut


norman lebrecht

January 28, 2022

Or so he told a pre-Grimes interviewer at the Vienna State Opera.

Here’s a first news clip of his role debut.

And here‘s an unusually prompt New York Times review.


  • V. Lind says:

    It seems a bit reserved. But not negative of the artists as much as the staging.

  • Алексей says:

    Franco Corelli at steaks before perfomance. Is it because of that he was great?

  • Hugh Kerr says:

    I shall report back for Edinburgh Music Review and Slipped Disc next week !

  • Michael McGrath says:

    Another brain-twistingly profound comment from the singer “inspired by Michael Jackson and Prince.” I greatly admire his voice and have seen him perform many times. But sometimes silence is golden, lieber Jonas. Or is he trying to follow other opera glitterati and gradually set himself up as a late-career circus act? It’s his right. But am I alone in my purist’s dismay?

    • Becker Waltraud says:

      Every sportsman eats carbohydrates before the competition / pefformance to have quick energie. Many singers eat bananas, some noodles. Steak needs power from the body for digestion; counterproductive during performance!

    • Guest322 says:

      Eating and similar stuff is much too ordinary for opera singers.