The most terrifying Schumann you’ve ever heard
Daily Comfort ZoneSuper-rare performance by the Soviet sensation Maria Yudina.
Super-rare performance by the Soviet sensation Maria Yudina.
There’s no reason to read anything political into…
The former Philly Pops, presently the No Name…
The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1968…
The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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sometimes incomprehensible, other times infuriating but the piano playing of maria yudina is never dull
Methinks vodka may have been fuel for this fire. Yikes.
Richter regarded Yudina very highly. It is interesting, though, to compare this perfomance to Richter’s. Whereas Yudina’s version, while, very impressive, screams “THIS IS A HARD PIECE”, Richter, as always, makes it sound like the most natural and obvious statement of a profound muscal idea, and absolutely no sweat to play. He somehow makes the most staggeringly difficult passages sound as though they were straight from Kinderszenen.
It’s like the difference between Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. Gene is all awesome athleticism; Fred just dances, as if he’s most at rest when he’s moving.
Richter’s opinions on other pianists are not to be taken into account seriously.His playing matters only!
Richter made everything sound easy. That’s why we love and hate him in equal measure.
The piano is not tuned well, is disgraceful. I might throw it out of a window were there no one to have it land on!
That is the difference with Richter:even on a badly tuned piano,he could make it sound perfect-NOT HER!
Wow! How could he do it?
Astounding…thank you so much
for posting it!
Hardly surprising, considering she managed to scare Stalin away.
I love her but I think she’s overdoing it here.
How could I resist this headline? And it IS terrifying!
Art and talents supremacy, above all else!
Glad I’m not the only one who has problems playing the second movement coda…
Too low a pitch to start with-may be there the recording is to blame.
But else…
A few bars are enough…to skip!
A phenomenal pianist.
Thanks for sharing this! Impassioned, wild, intoxicated—fun way to experience Schumann 🙂
In her hands, the piece might better be titled “Thomas de Quincey’s Opium Dream”…
yudina throws off the tyranny of the right hand. she brings to the fore inner voices and the all powerful bass content. so fabulous !
Listening to these recordings makes me wonder if technical aspects of musicianship hasn’t jumped leaps and bounds just like achievements in sport, chess etc.I try to do a quantitative look at it in the blog at
I think you’re right, but if technique is the sole criterium, why bother listening to anything but a Clavinova demo button?
Visceralmente, splendidamente, follemente Schumann!
Crazily Scumann!