On Christmas Eve, Moldova returned the Guadagnini it seized

On Christmas Eve, Moldova returned the Guadagnini it seized


norman lebrecht

December 25, 2021

Almost two months to the day since Customs officials at Chisinau Airport seized the 1785 ‘ex-Ida Levin’ Guadagnini from visiting soloist Alexandra Conunova, she was finally reunited with the instrument.

Alexandra writes:
My Guadagnini violin is back.
Hopefully you feel the magic of Christmas as I feel it now.
Thank you a lot for all your support. Without you the last two months of my life would’ve been a torture.
I’ll give you more details later. For now I just want to enjoy this moment with my family around.

I know I owe you a story about how I got my violin back. Today I am in a rush to get back home to Lausanne where Grisha and my dear partner Denis are waiting for me to celebrate Christmas together. I am so happy I could spend a little time with my parents in Chisinau and now I’ll spend Christmas with the other precious part of my family in Lausanne.


  • christopher storey says:

    Splendid news

  • Jennifer Dyster says:

    What great news . it must have been so distressing. thankyou SlippeDisc.

  • Genius Repairman says:

    I am so glad.

  • Marj says:

    Very glad to hear this. Hooray for whoever negotiated this.

  • Micaela Bonetti says:

    Bonnes Fêtes, Alexandra, et Heureuse Année Nouvelle en compagnie de tous ceux qui vous sont chers…et de votre violon retrouvé !