Three Germans are held over death of a luthier

Three Germans are held over death of a luthier


norman lebrecht

November 11, 2021

Police in Paraguay have arrested three German expatriates in connection with the torture and murder of Bernard von Bredow, a German palaeontologist and his 14-year-old daughter, Loreena.

Bredow curated a valuable collection of 18th century musical instruments, which attracted criminal attention.

Four Stradivarius violins were found in the home of Volker Grannas, 58, a German who lived nearby.

Reports here and here.



  • Gustavo says:

    Now we know where the Strads for German star violists come from.

    It’s a kind of arms trade.

  • Nigel Golberg says:

    Very tragic

  • bet says:

    There were 4 strads just sitting in some shop in Paraguay?

    • Jim C says:

      Yeah, how do you just get four Stradavari in Paraguay? Sounds like he has a sleazy history as well. And *why* Paraguay?

  • Brettermeier says:

    “I wonder why so many krauts went to South America…”

    Good weather and far away from Tommies, maybe.

    • Hmus says:

      the proper correspinsing term for krauts would be limeys. Both derivations from the substance their respective navies used to prevent scurvy.

  • Guest says:

    Bernard von Bredow, not Bedow.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    The sour kraut?

  • Paul Capon says:

    I can see a Netflix series on this – exotic local, history, deadly crime, music, bilingual (Spanish and German) cast, etc.

  • Four???

    I’m going to guess that those are not accurate attributions.

  • henry williams says:

    the government liked them.
    especially the war criminals

  • David K. Nelson says:

    Horrifying. But isn’t the word “luthier” in the headline misused? I glean that this was more a collector than a maker/repairman.

  • henry williams says:

    what is the attraction for Germans to live
    in paraguay