Don’t all rush: Vienna Philharmonic unveils New Year’s Day concert

Don’t all rush: Vienna Philharmonic unveils New Year’s Day concert


norman lebrecht

November 03, 2021

The orchestra has confirmed that Daniel Barenboim will lead its annual waltz fest for the third time.

Chairman Daniel Froschauer rationalised: ‘Daniel Barenboim occupies an extraordinary place in our history. We have not only enjoyed a long and fruitful artistic partnership with him, but also a great personal friendship. As a sign of our deep artistic bond, we have asked him to take the podium at the New Year’s Concert for the third time. It is also the prelude to his jubilee year 2022, in which he celebrates his 80th birthday.’

Here’s the lineup:

Part 1
Josef Strauß Phönix-Marsch. op. 105 *
Johann Strauß Wings of the Phoenix. Waltz, op. 125
Josef Strauß Die Sirene. Polka mazur, op. 248 *
Joseph Hellmesberger Little Advertiser. Galop, op. 4
Johann Strauß Morning Papers. Waltz, op. 279
Eduard Strauß Little Chronicle. Fast Polka, op. 128 *

Part 2
Johann Strauß Overture to Fledermaus
Johann Strauß Champagne-Polka. Musikalischer Scherz, op. 211
Carl Michael Ziehrer Night Revelers. Waltz, op. 466 *
Johann Strauß Persian March, op. 289
Johann Strauß A Thousand and One Nights. Waltz, op. 346
Eduard Strauß Greetings to Prague. Polka française, op. 144
Joseph Hellmesberger Elves. Charakterstück *
Josef Strauß Nymphen-Polka. (Polka française), op. 50 *
Josef Strauß Harmony of the Spheres. Waltz, op. 235

* First performance at a Vienna Philharmonic New Year’s Concert


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